Cotton Napkins
Printed napkin by artist Linder made exclusively for House of Voltaire
44 x 44 cm
100% cotton
Available in six designs, individually or as a set of 6

About The Artwork
Linder is an internationally celebrated artist who brings together the languages of graphic design, popular culture, high fashion and fine art in the production of photomontages, performances and installations. Initially playing a key part in the 1970s punk scene in Manchester, Linder is widely known as the creator of the photomontage used for the Buzzcocks’ debut single Orgasm Addict, 1977. Photomontage has remained a core part of the artists' practice, often combining seemingly disparate imagery from the domestic sphere - such as food, interiors, and products - with more sexual imagery taken from porn or glamour magazines, creating new readings within the pictorial realm.