The stylized, framed screen print titled "Untitled, 2019/2024" by Sadie Coles HQ depicts two abstract female figures in blue and white—one standing while the other is seated next to a bottle on a table. Echoing Lisa Brice's style, bold lines illustrate motion and emotion, further enhanced with delicate hand-painted details.

Lisa Brice

Untitled, 2019/2024

Price on enquiry

A unique framed screen print by Lisa Brice with hand-painted elements. Signed by the artist.

Edition Size



42 x 29.7 cm


Screenprint with hand-painted gouache and pencil crayon, in a museum grade frame

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Framed artwork titled "Untitled, 2019/2024" from Sadie Coles HQ, featuring abstract blue and white sketches of two people—one seated with a guitar and the other standing. A stylized bottle on the table enhances the minimalist composition with subtle hand-painted elements by Lisa Brice.

About The Artwork

Brice’s practice concentrates on emotive and evocative portraiture. She references art history, images of women in the media and photographs she has taken herself. For this unique work, Brice has painted directly onto a proof from her 2019 screenprint edition for House of Voltaire, expanding the scene. The original edition depicted only the figure on the left, leant against a table with head turned towards us, the audience. In reworking the image, Brice contextualises the surrounding environment by introducing a second figure in the background, gazing at the model and loosely clutching a painter's palette and brushes.

About Lisa Brice